
+ What are your hours?

We’re open 7 Days a Week from 10:00am to 7:00pm. We operate by appointment only.

+ Where are you located?

Our address is 6381 130 Street, Surrey, BC V3X 1R7. We are a home-based studio situated on the corner of 64 Avenue and 130th Street. Please enter the studio following the pathway that leads to the right side of the home.

+ How can I book treatments?

You can book treatments by calling us at 604-314-1077 or you can book online here.

+ What is your cancellation policy?

All appointments must be cancelled 24 hours prior to the appointment time to avoid a late cancellation fee equal to 50% of your treatment price.

+ What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash and e-transfer only at this time.

+ Are laser treatments painful?

The GentleYAG’s™ patented epidermal cooling system protects the skin surface with every laser pulse allowing for quick results and increased patient comfort. Only the skin beneath the surface is affected by the laser. A trickling vibration is sometimes felt with cooling pressure allowing for no discomfort and instead, a warming sensation.

+ How long does a treatment take?

Treatments have no down time and take as little as 10-20 minutes depending on the area being treated, but may be longer as every client experience is customized.

+ What about after treatment?

There may be a slight reddening of the treated area for the first few minutes following the procedure. Clients are strongly urged to avoid exposure to the sun directly after their treatment otherwise there is an increased chance of sunburn.

+ Is hair removal by laser suitable for everyone?

While laser hair removal is most effective on dark skinned subjects with dark pigmented hair, Caucasian skin types can be safely and effectively treated as well. Clients suffering from hormonal disorders will be referred to an endocrinologist for consultation prior to treatment.

+ Are there any side effects?

Side effects are minimal. Very rarely clients may experience some changes in pigmentation (hyper or hypo-pigmentation), but this is generally a temporary condition that disappears within a few weeks of treatment.

+ What are the benefits & technology of the GentleYAG™ system?

The GentleYAG™ system actually eliminates the thick, coarse hair and can be repeated every 6 weeks or so for maintenance. The more treatments you get, the longer time between treatments required.

+ How do I know if laser hair removal is right for me?

If your hair has pigment (brown, black, red) or if you pull one of your hairs and the root is dark, you’re a good candidate. The Gentle Yag system doesn’t remove blond, fine hair.

+ Which areas of the body can be treated?

Every external area on the body and face can be treated, except the bottom area of the eyebrows.

+ Can I have laser hair removal if I've had recent sun exposure? What about if I’m pregnant, breastfeeding or on medication that makes me sensitive to the sun?

It’s best to wait a few weeks until the tan calms down. If you take medication that prevents you from being in the sun, you can’t get laser hair removal done. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you also can’t be treated. If you have any further questions, it’s best to consult a medical professional.

+ How many treatments do I need?

This really depends on the individual. Someone who has really dark thick hair, with no underlying issues will likely experience that the hair goes away a lot faster.

+ Is hair removal guaranteed?

Success is based on a number of factors and therefore, each person must be treated as an individual. For most people, up to 85% hair reduction is achieved, however, upkeep is very important.

+ Can I get some more information on what I can expect before, during, and after my laser treatment?

If you have any questions about what to expect before, during, or after your laser treatment please see our care guide here.


Any other questions?